Thursday, July 08, 2004

Summer Breeze.....

Some days are bumpier than others; yesterday was a bumpy day ... a Monday sort of Wednesday; minor annoyances punctuated by true concerns such as learning a friend is ill. But how fortunate some of us are here in Central Ohio, that at the end of a bumpy day we can relax in a comfortable house, with a full stomach, a phone to call friends and family, the knowledge of a job the next day, the peace of children in good health. A dog, or two, to pet. Enough possessions to wonder where to put things. Enough of a yard to wonder when to weed things. Enough food to wonder when to cut back. In other words, a truly blessed life; a good life. A life for which to give thanks.

This morning, I opened the back door and I didn't notice the deck needing painting, the garden needing weeding, the neighbors' noisy windchimes, garage band, and young-teenage son who makes screeching noises from his front porch most mid-afternoons. I notice the most wonderful, cool, refreshing breeze. All windows thrown open, ceiling fans whirring, fresh air to breath. A nice cup of coffee. A new day. I am thankful for it all.

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